• Talentum Biotech: customized molecular simulation and bioactive compound discovery services.



  • Streamcomputing: software development company in parallel software for many-core processors that also provides training and consulting services to help increase software performance with lower hardware-costs.



  • MD.USe!: consulting services on Molecular Dynamics simulations.


  • ProtoQSAR: company focused on the application of chemoinformatics and molecular modeling methodologies to the prediction of physico-chemical and/or biological properties of chemicals. Amongst the range of methodologies covered, the company stands out by its experience in the development of quantitative structure-activity relationships models (QSAR). 



  • Manuscriptedit: Manuscriptedit of Reseapro Scientific Services specializes in providing services in Scientific & English editing, proofreading, writing, rewriting, translation, and assistance in preparing manuscripts for journal publications.



  • Pharmaceuticals Journal: Pharmaceuticals is an open access international peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of medicinal chemistry and related drug sciences.

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