The Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Research Group (BIO-HPC) facilitates bioinformatics services to other academic research groups, biotech and pharma. The primary mission of BIO-HPC is to provide research, support for life sciences research, develop novel algorithms as well as computational techniques to solve challenging problems in computational biology and bioinformatics. BIO-HPC offers bioinformatics resources, expertise in biomolecular structure prediction, drug discovery, and multi-scale modeling.

Our main target market is comprised from research groups, pharmaceutical companies or biotechs interested in the discovery of bioactive compounds with desired funcional properties and also in companies that need to develop new bioinformatics applications or need to deploy or accelerate them in high performance computing environments (supercomputers, clusters, grids, GPUs).

Our group also has established partnership with other companies, biotech and pharma.

You can also find a portfolio of the companies we have worked with.


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