Funding as PI or Project Coordinator obtained by Pérez-Sánchez Lab in the last 8 years:

  1. 2019 Horizon 2020, “taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients (REVERT)”, 2018 call: “SC1-BHC-02-2019 – Systems approaches for the discovery of combinatorial therapies for complex disorders”. ID: 848098. Funded by the European Union Commission under H2020 programme. Amount: 5.800k Euro. I am PI from UCAM side (300k Euro budget).
  2. 2019 Grant for visiting scholar (Hugo Verli, PhD) during three months, “Cooperation Towards Drug Design Improvement”, ID: 21197/IV/19. Funded by Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia. Amount: 9.7k Euro.
  3. 2019 Fundación Séneca “Discovery and optimization of bioactive compounds through advanced computational chemistry techniques” call: “Development of scientific and technical research by competitive research groups”, ID: 20988/PI/18. Amount: 68.2k Euro.
  4. 2019 Scientific host for the project “The role of connective peptide I in human tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase and its mutant forms” under HPC Europa 3, “Transnational Access Programme for a Pan-European Network of HPC Research Infrastructures and Laboratories for scientific computing”,
  5. 2018 Fundación Séneca “Commercialization and Exploitation of Results under the Proof of Concept Model” call: “Exploitation and commercialization of advanced computational chemistry techniques for the development and discovery of drugs and other bioactive compounds”, ID: 20524/PDC/18. Amount: 25k Euro.
  6. 2018 Spanish Supercomputing Network 3rd Call, “Discovery and design of conformational modulators in blood coagulation”, ID: BCV-2018-3-0008. 540000 GPU hours supercomputing time.
  7. 2017 MINECO, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, “DRUGS_SERVER: Development of advanced drug discovery techniques, their implementation on software and web tools, and their application to contexts of pharmacological relevance”, ID: CTQ2017-87974-R. Amount: 71.2k Euro.
  8. 2017 Eurolab-4-HPC Business Prototyping Project Proposals: Call 2017. Funded by Horizon H2020-FETHPC-2014 (GA 671610). Amount: 25k Euro.
  9. 2017 Higher Education Council of Turkey. Project Based International Exchange Programme, “In silico analysis of bioactive peptides from invasive Halophila stipulacea”, ID: MV-2017-230. Coordinator: Levent Cavas. I am PI from UCAM side (3.1k Euro budget).
  10. 2017 Coordinated project funded by National Science Centre (Poland) and coordinated by University of Lodz, “Searching for high biological activity of legume seeds based on different levels of modeling”, ID: UMO-2016/21/B/NZ9/00898. Amount: 67.4k Euro. Coordinator: Grazyna Budryn. I am PI from UCAM side (7k Euro budget).
  11. 2016 Fundación Séneca, Project extension “Development of biomedical applications in high performance architectures”, ID: 18946/JLI/13. Amount: 21.8k Euro.
  12. 2016 Eurolab-4-HPC Business Prototyping Project Proposals: Call 2016. Funded by Horizon H2020-FETHPC-2014 (GA 671610). Amount: 25k Euro.
  13. 2016 Grant for visiting scholar (Hugo Verli, PhD) during three months, “Search and design of new antithrombotic agents: Murcia – Porto Alegre Partnership”, ID: 19948/IV/15. Funded by Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia. Amount: 7.8k Euro.
  14. 2015 Industrial Doctorate Grant, covers one PhD student for three yepaars, “Application of Computational Drug Discovery Methods to the Discovery of New Therapeutic Targets”. Funded by UCAM and Villapharma SL (
  15. 2015 Industrial Doctorate Grant, covers one PhD student for three years, “High Performance Computing in Pharma sector: an economical approach”. Funded by UCAM and Artificial Intelligence Talentum (
  16. 2015 PhD Grant, convers one PhD student for three years. Funded by Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia.
  17. 2015 TETRACOM Technology Transfer in Computing Systems (funded by the European Union Commission Framework Programme 7 – Contract No. 609491), “Advanced Computational Drug Discovery Technologies using High Performance Computing Architectures (ACDDT­HPC)”. Amount: 47.7k Euro.
  18. 2014 Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto del Programa de Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales en Investigación Técnica CENIT-2008-1016, “Nueva generacion de robot para el trading cuantitativo automatico con capacidades de calculo distribuido basado en aplicacion de metodos de redes neuronales y bayesianas”, ID-20140630. Amount: 391487€ (12000€ for UCAM). Principal Investigator from UCAM partner side.
  19. 2014 Nils Science and Sustainability, “Discovery of novel blood anticoagulants using hybrid artificial intelligence techniques”, ID: 012-ABEL-CM-2014A. Amount: 36k Euro.
  20. 2014 Fundación Séneca, “Development of biomedical applications in high performance architectures”, ID: 18946/JLI/13. Amount: 39.6k Euro.
  21. 2013 PRACE Distributed European Computing Initiative (DECI-10), “Novel Anticoagulants”. 500000 GPU hours supercomputing time.


  • Fundación Séneca “Development of biomedical applications in high performance architectures”, ID: 18946/JLI/13.





  • TETRACOM Technology Transfer in Computing Systems (funded by the European Union Commission Framework Programme 7 – Contract No. 609491), “Advanced Computational Drug Discovery Technologies using High Performance Computing Architectures (ACDDT­HPC)”



  • Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI). (Center for Industrial and Technologic Development) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto del Programa de Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales en Investigación Técnica CENIT-2008-1016, “Nueva generación de robot para el trading cuantitativo automático con capacidades de calculo distribuido basado en aplicación de métodos de redes neuronales y bayesianas”, ID-20140630




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