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- Horacio Pérez Sánchez, PhD, Principal Investigator. Computational Chemistry.
- Alfonso Pérez Garrido, PhD. Chemistry.
- Josefina Vegara Meseguer, PhD. Biophysics.
- Antonio Jesús Banegas Luna, PhD. Computer Engineering.
- Carlos Martínez Cortes, PhD. Computer Engineering.
- Miguel Carmena Bargueño, PhD student. Biochemistry.
- Jochem Nelen, PhD student. Biochemistry.
- Javier Pérez Sianes, PhD student (University of Valladolid, co-supervised with Prof. Fernando Díaz).
- Fernando Montoro, PhD student (University of Granada, co-supervised with Prof. Irene Luque).
Former Group Members
- 2014-2021: Jorge Peña-García, Grad student. Computer Engineering. Currently Software Engineer.
- 2017-2020: Savíns Puertas Martín, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently postdoc at University of Almería.
- 2015-2020: José Pedro Cerón Carrasco, PhD. Computational Chemistry. Currently at REM group, UCAM.
- 2015-2019: Antonio Vicente Contreras, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently CEO at
- 2015-2019: Jesús Antonio Soto Espinosa, PhD. Applied Mathematics. Currently at UKEIM group, UCAM.
- 2015-2019: Isabel María Timón Pérez, PhD. Applied Mathematics. Currently at Quality Service, UCAM.
- 2015-2019: Baldomero Imbernón Tudela, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently at UKEIM group, UCAM.
- 2015-2019: Andrés Bueno Crespo, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently at UKEIM group, UCAM.
- 2015-2019: Antonia Sánchez Pérez, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently at UKEIM group, UCAM.
- 2015-2019: Antonio Llanes Castro, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently at UKEIM group, UCAM.
- 2014-2019: Helena den Haan, PhD. Biology. Currently High School Teaching.
- 2015-2019: José Luis Abellán Miguel, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently at UKEIM group, UCAM.
- 2013-2019: José María Cecilia Canales, PhD. Computer Engineering. Currently at Universitat Politècnica de València.
- 2015-2017: Ricardo Rodríguez Schmidt, PhD. Chemical Engineering. Currently at Schrodinger, Inc.
- 2013:2014: Gaspar Cano, PhD. Computer Engineering.
- 2014: Afshin Fassihi, PhD. Medicinal Chemistry.
- 2015-2016: Fahimeh Ghasemi, PhD student (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, co-supervised with Prof. Afshin Fassihi).
- 2013-2014: José Luis Gallego Imbernón, Grad. student. Computer Engineering.
- 2013-2014: Francisco Javier Sánchez Galián, Grad. student. Computer Engineering.
- 2013-2014: Ginés David Guerrero Hernández, PhD. Computer Engineering.
- 2015: Cathalijne Witte, Erasmus Plus. Business and Marketing.
- 2014: Nabila Bekhti, PhD student (co-supervised by Horacio Pérez-Sánchez with Majda Sekkal, Université Djillali Liabes de Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria). Computational Chemistry.
Research groups (alphabetical order)
- Armando Albert de la Cruz, Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology, IQFR-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.
- Alejandro A. Franco, Multiscale and Numerical Simulation of Electrochemical Systems, University of Picardie, France.
- Gracia Ester Martín Garzón, Computer Engineering Department, University of Almería, Spain.
- Grazyna Budryn, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Lodz, Poland.
- Isidro González Collado, Biological and Organic Chemistry, University of Cadiz, Spain.
- Javier Corral de la Calle, Hematology and Oncology, University of Murcia, Spain.
- José García, Computational Intelligence, University of Alicante, Spain.
- José García de la Torre, Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, University of Murcia, Spain.
- José Luis Vazquez-Poletti, Distributed Systems Architecture Research Group, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- José M. García, Parallel Computer Architecture Group, University of Murcia, Spain.
- Jón Atli Benediktsson, Pro Rector and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iceland.
- Juan Manuel Ruso Beiras, Soft Matter & Molecular Biophysics Group, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Maria Vittoria Cubellis, Biology Department, University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
- Pablo Conesa Zamora, Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, Hospital Santa Lucía, Cartagena, Spain.
- Pablo Chacón, Structural Bioinformatics Group, IQFR-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.
- Tingjun Hou, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Computer-Aided Drug Design, Suzhou, China.
- Wolfgang Wenzel, Nanoscale and Biomolecular Simulation, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Research Centers
Societies and Networks
- Spanish Drug Discovery Network
- HiPEAC (European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation)
- Sociedad de Biofísica de España (Spanish Biophysical Society)
- European Research Network COST Action CM1207, “GLISTEN: GPCR-Ligand Interactions, Structures, and Transmembrane Signalling”.
- European Research Network COST Action IC1305, “NESUS: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing”.
- European Research Network COST Action IC1406, “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)”.
- IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC): Technical Area on Science Gateways.