Curriculum Vitae
Name: Alfonso Pérez Garrido
Birth date: 10-Apr-1971
Nationality: Spanish
- 1996 Graduated in Chemistry at the University of Murcia. Speciality: Industrial Chemistry.
- 2005-2007 Doctorate in Environmental Engineering and Toxicology courses. DEA (Certification of advanced studies) obtained.
- 2007-2010 PhD at the Environmental Engineering and Toxicology Department of the Catholic University of Murcia. PhD Thesis, entitled “New contributions to the development of model QSAR/QSPR for environmental pollutants mutagenicity and its interaction with active substances present in the environment”.
Research experience
- 2007-2013 Researcher from the Catholic University of Murcia at the Environmental Engineering and Toxicology Department.
Teaching experience
- Lecturer: “Chemistry” for Nutrition students (2010/2011), (2011/2012) and (2012/2013), Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
- Lecturer: “Chemistry” for Nutrition students (2010/2011), Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
- Lecturer: “Teaching and Learning of Mathematics”, for Degree in Elementary Education students (2011/2012) and (2012/2013), Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
- Lecturer: “Teaching and Learning of Experimental Sciences”, for Degree in Elementary Education students (2011/2012), Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
- Lecturer: “Predictive Mathematical Models for contaminants” and “Mathematical Models in Environmental Engineering”, for Master in Environmental Engineering and Toxicology (2011/2012), Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
Peer reviewed publications
- A. Pérez-Garrido, M. P. González, A. G. Escudero, (2008) “Halogenated derivatives QSAR model using spectral moments to predict haloacetic acids (HAA) mutagenicity”. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 16, 5720-5732.
- A. Pérez-Garrido, A. M. Helguera, M. N. D. S. Cordeiro, A. Abellán, A. G. Escudero, (2009) “Convenient QSAR model for predicting the complexation of structurally diverse compounds with β-cyclodextrins”. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 17, 896-904.
- Pérez-Garrido, A.; Helguera, A. M.; Cordeiro, M. N. D. S.; Escudero, A. G., (2009). QSPR modelling with the topological sub-structural molecular design approach: β-Cyclodextrin complexation, J. Pharmaceutical Science, 98, 4557-4576.
- A. Pérez-Garrido, A. M. Helguera, F. G. Rodríguez, M. N. D. S. Cordeiro, (2010) “QSAR models to predict mutagenicity of acrylates, methacrylates and α, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds”. Dental Materials, 26, 397-415.
- A. Pérez-Garrido, A. M. Helguera, G. C. López, M. N. D. S. Cordeiro, A. G. Escudero, (2010) “A TOPological Substructural MOlecular Design approach for predicting mutagenesis end-points of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds”. Toxicology, 268, 64-77.
- A. Pérez-Garrido, A. M. Helguera, F. Borges, M. N. D. S. Cordeiro, V. Rivero, A. G. Escudero, (2011) “Two New Parameters Based on Distances in a Receiver Operating Characteristic Chart for the Selection of Classification Models”. J. Chem. Inf. And Model., 51, 2746-2759.
- A. Abellán, L. Tejada, A. Pérez-Garrido, E. Salazar, A. Martínez-Cachá, J. M. Cayuela, (2011) “EFFECTS OF CHEESE SIZE ON COMPOSITION AND PROTEOLYSIS IN GOAT’S MILK CHEESE”. Acta alimentaria, 41, 180-189.
- A. Pérez-Garrido, A. M. Helguera, J. M. Ruiz, M. P. Zafrilla, (2012) “Topological sub‐structural molecular design approach: Radical scavenging activity”. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry., 49, 86-94.
- A. M. Helguera, A. Pérez-Garrido, A. Gaspar, J. Reis, F. Cagide, D. Vina, M. N. D. S. Cordeiro, F. Borges, (2013) “Combining QSAR classification models for predictive modeling of human monoamine oxidase inhibitors”. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59, 75-90.
- M. P. Zafrilla, M. Losada, A. Pérez, G. Caravaca, J. Mulero, (2013). “Biomarkers of oxidative stress in patients with wet age related macular degeneration”. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 17(3), 219-222.
Congresses and conferences
- “8th International Congress of Chemistry, Chemical Engeneering and biochemistry”, held in La Habana (Cuba), (2012). Poster entitled “Molecular Docking ABD QSAR Studies for Modelling the Human MAO-R Inhibitory Activity of Ligands”, A. M. Helguera, V. Pérez-Castillo, F. Borges, A. Pérez-Garrido, A. Villa.
- “5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health”, held in Barcelona (Spain), 2011. Poster entitled “Topological sub-structural molecular design approach: radical scavenging activity”, A. Pérez-Garrido, J. M. Ruiz, M. P. Zafrilla.
- “V Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos”, held in Murcia (Spain), 2009. Poster entitled “Evolution of free amino acids in Murcia wine cheese made with two types of coagulants”, Abellán, A.; Tejada, L.; Pino, A.; Cayuela, J.M.; Pérez-Garrido, A. Salazar, E.; Girón, F. y Martínez-Cachá A.
- “V Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos”, held in Murcia (Spain), 2009. Poster entitled “Evolution of fatty acids of different lipid fractions cured of the loin of chato murciano. Comparison with the white pig”, Tejada, L.; Salazar, E.; Cayuela, J.M.; Girón, F.; Martínez-Cachá, A.; Pérez-Garrido, A. y Poto, A..
- “V Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos”, held in Murcia (Spain), 2009. Poster entitled “Effect size Murcia wine cheese on proteolysis”, Tejada, L.; Cayuela, J.M.; Pérez-Garrido, A.; Salazar, E.; Girón, F. y Martínez-Cachá, A.
- “V Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos”, held in Murcia (Spain), 2009. Poster entitled “Comparative study of the composition of the obtained cured pork loin of chato murciano and white pig”, Tejada, L.; Salazar, E.; Cayuela, J.M.; Abellán, A.; Girón, F.; Martínez-Cachá, A.; Pérez-Garrido, A. y Poto, A.
- “IV Congreso de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Alimentos”, held in Madrid (Spain), 2006. Poster entitled “Antioxidant capacity of plants and infusions”, Morillas, J.; Caravaca, G.; Cerdá, B.; Mulero, J.; Pérez-Garrido, A.; Zafrilla, P..
- “I Congreso anual de Ciencia y tecnología de los Alimentos”, held in Madrid (Spain), 2006. Poster entitled “Proteolysis in Murcia al Vino cheese during ripening” Tejada, L.; Abellán, A.; Pérez-Garrido, A.; Cayuela, J.M.; Martínez- Cachá A. y Fernández-Salguero, J.
Reviewer and Editor
Reviewer of Journals
Other merits
- Award for best research study from Murcian Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk Society entitled “Influence of balneotherapy on blood pressure. Balneotens study”. (Call 2012).
- 5 QSAR models posted at the European Union Database. (